About Me | Nutri Physician
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Krishi Somanna SS

Dietitian, Lifestyle management consultant, Health & wellness Coach

Hi, I really appreciate you being here. My goal is to develop a deep virtual relationship with you.

I respect your time here. It means a lot to me and I'd like to share a little bit about myself.


Before I detail you my story, please slide through my transformations about how I came to be who I am today.

My objective : I am on a mission to help 100,000 obese with or without chronic disease achieve their ideal health through the power of local, natural and seasonal foods and not with medicines/supplements. I want to revolutionize a healthy diet lifestyle and disrupt the medical system in India. I am Krishi Somanna, the creator of the Kitchen Healing Mastery program and Health Tribe Community.

My Story

I started my career studying Law (L.L.B) and eventually, just became a housewife and was within four walls for 8 years before transforming into a Dietitian. How did this happen ?

From 2010 to 2018, I weighed 64 to 67 kilos, obviously obese for my 152 cms height.  I was 19 year old when i got married and I have been a housewife since 2010.


Besides suffering from PCOS, I also suffered from severe ankle and heel pains all the time, constipation, and my lifestyle was unbearable. The problem was that I did not know what to eat or how to fix it. YouTube and Google suggested various short-term diets that I tried, but everything was temporary.

In the past I used to stop eating carbs, I stopped eating dinner, I used to fast by drinking only water, honey, lemonade, etc. Similar to any other aspiring woman, I am prone to try anything their friends or family recommend. This usually backfires and makes me feel worse.

For years, I was constantly consulting my gynaecologist with regard to my PCOS issues as I had not been able to conceive for 5 years and I was consulting more than 1 dietitian at different occasion to reduce weight, as per my gynaec’s advise. However that wasn't satisfactory as far as service, results and individual attention was concerned.

Among the few reasons for my unhappiness were :

  • I was suggested medicines, supplements, herbs, and fancy food that I knew I would not be able to live with for the rest of my life

  • Some diets consisted of fruits, vegetables & liquids, and as a result, I couldn’t sustain them for a longer run without proper food. And cherry on the top (sarcastically), They were usually offering general recipes and I had to google them. As I had to prepare differently for my family, I had no time to do all this.


I felt, as dietitians, it is their responsibility to educate the clients about health trigger points, identify strengths and weaknesses, and time management so that we can remain healthy after the package has been completed. When all my possibilities of trying, coming towards an end,


" that's the day I decided to take a nutrition course and teach myself everything about health and nutrition "

I began my education. As a result, I found out my lifestyle (eating habit, sleeping patterns, hydration level) caused me to make mistakes. Further, The nutrition and dietetics education, my mentors, teachers expertise gave me a new insight and perspective on how food and nutrition can be of great benefit to heal people with diseases like Diabetes, Thyroid, Cholesterol, Cancer, etc too.

As I sat there, started wondering about how many crores of people were unaware of this, just like me !

So it was time for implementation and see if my education and the expertise of experts would transform me. 


Round 1 :

In order to achieve my desired results, I first completely changed my mental attitude, followed by taking baby steps. For entire 2014, I remained consistent 90% of the time and then I lost 19 kilos in next 12 months (1.5 kilos per month). It was not easy for me because I had to take care of my family, study, and transform myself.

Then something magical happened within a year. I became pregnant, gave birth to a healthy baby girl in 2015, subsequently put on 12 kilos (pregnancy and postpartum weight).


I had the opportunity to learn more about pregnancy nutrition during this experience. Gradually, I became knowledgeable about prenatal and postnatal dietetics.

(I'm happy to mention that my six-year-old daughter loves and eats all kinds of fruits and vegetables without complaint.. In fact, she asks for them every day. I thought, "Was this caused by what I ate during pregnancy or was it just sheer luck ? But who cares... as long as she's getting the nutrition she needs at her age)


Round 2 :

During and after pregnancy, I gained a lot of weight. My next phase of re-transformation led me to lose 12 kilos in 4 months (3 kg/month). Due to my knowledge of nutrition, it took much less time this time.


The current state of my life is that I'm able to maintain myself at 48 kilos by being focused since 2017 up until now (Mar 2022) !  My height would indicate I should weigh 52 kilos. In an effort to experiment with all kinds of mesmerising dishes, I have intentionally brought down my weight and maintained it at 48 kilograms, and let me tell you, this idea works like a charm. Achieving your health goals also requires knowledge and consistency.







Therefore, I want to prevent my clients and our community from experiencing the same pain, agony, and consequences that I experienced for almost 6 years. By participating in my cost-effective courses will also save you much time and money (compared to what I have spent). The list of my secret thumb rules (available in Level 1 Kitchen Health Scholarship course) helped a great deal, I want you to follow them for the rest of your life ! 

Here are some key takeaways that I can summarise:

  • ProblemsThere will always be problems in life. After all, it is a LIFE. However, to resolve them, one must be a "Action Taker"

  • Investment : There are certain issues that can be resolved with time, while others demand an investment. With lakhs of rupees invested for knowledge and health improvement, I have now achieved health and happiness !


  • Awareness : I felt compelled to spread nutrition awareness to the millions of people who are yet to know the secrets to good health, (and I never imagined it would be possible so soon). It is not necessary for you to spend lakhs of rupees to understand the basics of nutrition and its miraculous effects. Therefore, I recommend that you always strive to keep a "Spread awareness" attitude in order to help others regardless of who they are  (you may unknowingly save someone's life).

  • The Next step in my life is : Fight for the inclusion of 'Nutrition' as a subject in India's education system, so that every kid grows up in a healthy environment

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As a result of my personalised services, 350+ clients have seen their lab reports get significantly better (Diabetes, Thyroid, Cholesterol, PCOS, Weight reduction, Hypertension, Prenatal & Postnatal). Furthermore, I am still in the process of learning from all the latest research, surveys, and updates, which will continue. Any knowledge that we currently possess is LIMITED, and I promise to share it through courses and with my community, as i learn more​ !

I hope that you have gained a little more insight into me and that you have more clarity of what your next steps should be to streamline your lifestyle! Thank you for reading !

I wish You are my next success story

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